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  Montefiore South
  Timorim, Country Roads
אילנה שודרון-מינקוב
Timorim, Country Roads
About the exhibition Gallery  
Alongside the garage there is a southward bound side road leading to the fields. This road bypasses the chicken runs, which were once my father's responsibility.

The winding road is surrounded by the farm's field. From a distance, all the landscapes that surrounded my childhood;
Moshav Arugot, Tel El Safi, Kedma and Kfar Avigdor are visible.
At the end of the road, on a hillock, encircled by a white fence and Cypress trees, is Timorim's cemetery. I knew them all. I grew up with some of them during a time when it seemed to me that everything would remain as it was forever, and that nothing would ever change.
My father's grave is in the middle of the cemetery. We planted a tree that he especially loved next to his headstone.
The exhibition includes 80 works of art and has been published as an anthology of the artist's work on 2010.
All rights reserved Elana Schwadron-Minkow 2003 - 2016